Critical HR tasks made easy.
Develop U is a competency-based record-keeping and evaluation tool designed specifically for Jiffy Lube franchises, from the same company that built JLU.

Redesigned from the ground up with the same manager-focused user experience.
Record Keeping
JLU Integration
Periodic Evaluations
Robust Reporting
JLU Integration
Robust Reporting
Dynamic Dashboards
Enhanced Administration
Publish franchise-specific DTOGs & KPS items to your employees in JLU.
Now you can seamlessly integrate your own corporate training material, policies, procedures, important communication, and more, with JLU curricula. Content will be presented to ONLY your employees.
Share with everyone, or choose specific jobs for specific content. Publish DTOGs and/or KPS items to an existing roadmap program/KPS category or your own franchise-named content area.
Sign up, get verified, and enjoy 30 days of free access!
Because we also manage JLU, we’ve already got your list of stores & employees. Once we verify you as an administrator for your Entity Group, you’ll be able to jump in and start customizing your Develop U workspace. We’ve got a list of default Job templates you can use, or you can throw those out and create your own.
1. Sign Up
2. Verification
3. Let's Go!
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What has changed in the new DevelopU?
How much does it cost to subscribe DevelopU?
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Why should Jiffy stores do employee performance reviews on a regular basis?
Can DevelopU help to improve my entity group’s bottom line?
Absolutely! Regular performance reviews not only help to retain your best performers, expose your poor performers, and send a clear message to all store employees that how well they do their job matters to you. However, there are some less abstract benefits of utilizing DevelopU, too, including:
- Documentation: Performance reviews and employee feedback (aka “Remarks”) completed in DevelopU create a record of an employee's performance over time. This documentation can be used to support decisions related to promotions, salary increases, or disciplinary actions. This can help to protect your entity group from legal liability and other negative outcomes.
- Benchmarking: Performance reviews provide a means of benchmarking employee performance, allowing for comparisons to other stores and/or individual employees in similar job functions. DevelopU offers reporting capabilities that aid in benchmarking employee performance and/or store-level performance.
- Better Customer Service: Poor employee performance can negatively impact customer service, but routine performance reviews can help address these issues and improve the overall customer experience and bolster sales.
Reduced Turnover: Performance reviews provide feedback and guidance to employees, ensuring they know what you expect from them and how they can be successful. Employees who receive earnest feedback have increased motivation, greater job satisfaction and a realistic gameplan for how to put themselves in the best position to get a promotion.
How does DevelopU help to combat turnover?
Jiffy Lube stores have extremely high average annual turnover rates. And best way to reduce employee turnover without increasing wages is to introduce a culture of accountability, one in which all employees know what is expected of them and what they need to do to improve in their current role and/or better position themselves for a future promotion. Companies that perform routine performance reviews see the following workplace improvements over time:
- Increased Motivation: Performance reviews provide a platform to acknowledge and recognize an employee's achievements and contributions to the organization. This recognition can help boost employee morale and motivation.
- Enhanced Career Planning: Performance reviews help employees set goals for themselves and their store. By discussing long-term goals and objectives, employees can gain a better understanding of what they need to do to achieve them.
- Greater Job Satisfaction: Performance reviews help employees understand what is expected of them and how they can improve their performance. When employees see a clear path to success, they are more likely to feel satisfied with their job.
Develop U for You!
Your managers have to do this work anyway. Make it easier on them–and you! Use the tool designed specifically for Jiffy Lube Franchises.